Friday, March 30, 2007

My Two Cents is up and running!

Now, I'm always in the market for new software! As long as it's free, brilliant, and helpful!

One of my recent favorites is the little piece of freeware called KO Approach by KO Software. It is billed as "...a desktop Shell Enhancement that enables quicker access to files and folders with a set of hierachical menus. " It really is a knockout, as far as I'm concerned. I click for a couple seconds on a folder containing pictures, for example. A list of the contents is displayed, and as I scroll down, a preview of each photo. Neat. Cool. Awesome--whatever your word is! You'll find more at the KO Approach website. "Striving for convenience," it says. Love it!

I frequent solution-oriented sites such as and I get Google News and Simple Dollar feeds, and e-mails from nearly everywhere (for example, I recently came upon a link to Mint, which intrigued me, because I have not yet found a brilliant money-management software--much less a free one. Will MyMint be it? Time will tell. I'm anxiously awaiting the beta version. Check out the Mint blog, and click on the link in the upper left corner.

Stay tuned!

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